Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Recipes from "Replace the Meat" Kickoff

Dilip Barman, President of the Triangle Vegetarian Society and also a gifted culinary artist, tantalized our taste buds at our kickoff with the following three crowd-pleasing, plant-based recipes to help us with our "Replace the Meat" challenge:


* Tempeh (preferably Lightlife Wild Rice or Flax tempeh) {prep: dice 1/4" or slice 3/8", depending on size of radicchio leaves}
* 1 Orange or yellow bell pepper {prep: 3/8" cube}
* 4 medium shallots {prep: fine dice}
* 1/2 pound fresh spinach {prep: wash and dry}
* Dozen pine nuts
* 1 head radicchio {prep: wash thoroughly and separate leaves}
* Dried tarragon or fresh oregano
* 1 organic orange (firm, to be zested) {prep: wash}

*Extra virgin olive oil for sauteing
*Sea salt or coconut aminos (optional)

Saute tempeh in olive oil in large skillet until golden brown.  Drain on paper towel.  Saute shallots for about one minute until clear and add bell pepper.  After pepper softens, add spinach in batches as it cooks down and darkens.  Add pine nuts and shake skillet for about 60 to 90 seconds, until nuts are light brown.  Toss in tempeh, herbs, and orange zest.   Serve on radicchio leaves.  Top with seasoning, if desired, to taste.


* Mixed seasonal vegetables (e.g. carrots, zucchini) {prep: wash and diced 1/4"}
* Vegan boullion cube
* 2 cups quinoa
* 1 large red onion {prep: 1/4" dice}
* Rosemary sprig {prep: wash}

*Extra virgin olive oil for sauteing
*1/8 to 1/4 tsp. turmeric
*1/2 tsp. cumin seeds

Add just enough oil to cover bottom of large stock pan and preheat.   Saute veggies for about one to two minutes over medium or medium high heat.   In final 30 seconds of saute, add cumin and stir constantly to prevent it from burning.  Then add one part quinoa to two parts water, turmeric, and boullion cube and bring to boil.   Let simmer three to four minutes, cover, and turn off heat.   Cook for about seven minutes more until quinoa is done.   Add rosemary to taste. 


*Dozen asparagus spears {prep: wash and cut off bottom 1/8" of spears, diagonally}
* 2 shallots {prep: thinly slice}
* Juice of 1 tangerine or orange

*Extra virgin olive oil for sauteing
*Sea salt and hot pepper (optional)

Saute shallots with olive oil in pan for about one to two minutes, until they become a little clear.   Add spears and saute for about two minutes until asparagus is dark green and at the desired texture.   Remove from heat source.   Place spears on serving dish and sprinkle with juice and seasonings, if desired.  

To see more of Dilip's tasty plant-based recipes with photos, visit his blog at

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