Saturday, December 31, 2011

Need Help In Deciding What Fruits and Veggies to Eat This Week?

Try eating seasonally!  Eat locally grown foods or at least foods grown within North America at the time in which they naturally ripen.   By doing this, you will save more money, eat foods that are most nutritious, support local farmers, and reduce waste. 

Each week during the month of January, we'll suggest some fruits and vegetables for you to include in your diet.

This week's fruits are:  apples, oranges, and bananas.   The vegetables are:  collards, kale, and spinach.

Take a trip with us to the Raleigh farmer's market in this two-minute video to see what other nutritious produce is available to eat:

 Happy New Year!!


AM said...

Started the day with a fruit salad with apples, pears, raisins, bits of almonds, and raw coconut for the family. The kids loved it. I'm going to TRY serving a fruit salad first thing in the morning to give me more time to make a more substantial breakfast for the kids and to get in extra servings of fruits!

Jeannie said...

What is considered a serving for fruits, raw, and cooked veggies....don't want to be cheating myself

Jeannie said...

Never mind...found the info you already posted...thanks!

Jeannie said...

Oh yeah...think I got in 12 servings today...thirteen is my goal....even made a green smoothies....thank you mrs, leafy greens!

AM said...

BTW - 1/2 cup of fresh vegetable juice counts as one serving of veggies.

12 servings is great! It's amazing, but even though I've been a vegan for years, it didn't hit me until I joined this revolution that I haven't been getting enough servings of fruits and veggies! I tried hard to get 13 servings today, but after recording what I ate, I realized I had only 11 and had to prepare every fruit and veggie we had in the house to reach this number! I think the key to getting all the servings in is to make salads. We'll see!

mrsleafygreens said...

@Jeannie-Glad you enjoyed the Green Smoothie! Sounds like your right on track with eating more veggies! Congrats!!

mrsleafygreens said...

My challenge is completely Raw, and for my first day back, it has been awesome!!
It brings back how great Raw is for me, so happy, feeling energetic, and eager in planning all my Raw dishes!!

My training for marathon was even faster pace today, and I even had time for afternoon hike with the family! Oh, how I love Raw!!

Breakfast was combined with lunch a fruit smoothie, 4 apples, 8 clementines, 2 cups carrot juice, I had no greens in the house at that time. The entire 7 cups worth was so delicious, and it was all mine. Later for dinner, mixed green sala, with sweet onions, fresh strawberries, blueberries, sun dried tomatoes, carrots, & a drizzle of lemon juice! I didn't even miss the olive oil!